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This is the place where ideation and former prototyping finally meets reality. Customer's values and needs are getting physical. Unit after unit, consistent and repeatable in form, fit and function, piece by piece.

We are focused on design, high level assembly and perfect testing of our solutions we deliver. Over the last decade we have been able to install a broad network of approved suppliers we love to work with. They all have the same mindset than we do: CUSTOMER FIRST. With that said, all our focus is on customer's value of our products.

The customers are not just account numbers, our products are not just part numbers at our shop floor. Our manufacturing team is always aware of who the customer is and what our product needs to fulfil in the customer's application. Our production knows the critical parameters the customer is looking for in our products. Our quality system ensures components check, critical dimensions and functionality according to our customer request. Our tocking system is adjusted according to lead time projection and forecast and YES, we do stock finished goods for our customers when required. Any components change has to be approved by our customer and gets next revision index for tracking.

Our asset is our TEAM, which is always dedicated to specific tasks, well trained and experienced.

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