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FlowPac helps you to ensure the circulation of fluids in your circuits. FlowPac S Flow switches are characterized by a long service life and high repeatability and accuracy. Many OEM flow sensors are either limited to only a few process connection options and thus have to be extensively integrated or adapted by the customer or have larger size.
Not so the FlowPac S. A variety of connection options are available by default without framing the compact design. The sensor is available as a standard version or with customer-specific adaptations, or right up to preassembled tank-sensor-solutions, to custom fit in example cooling circuits. FlowPac C is giving continuous pulse otput to get flow properly controlled.

Create Your OWN Flow Switch
Fill in the application form and we do the best to support your application

FlowPac S
Modular Flow switch

FlowPac C
Modular continuous Flow sensor

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